California Mercury Modeling

Mercury Open Water Final Report for Compliance with the Delta Mercury Control Program
Published 2020

Under the lead of the California Department of Water Resources, I worked with a team of researchers from both the state and federal governments to model the flow of mercury through the Yolo Bypass and the San Francisco Bay Delta in central California. Tasked with initializing the models and analyzing output, you will not just find my writing in parts of the methods section. I also provided most of the GIS maps and data figures in the report.

Meteotsunami Research

A Framework for the Probabilistic Analysis of Meteotsunamis
Published 2014

After a meteotsunami (an atmospheric-induced tsunami) struck my hometown of Woods Hole, Massachusetts in 2013, the U.S. Geological Survey contacted me to help research meteotsunami activity on the US East Coast. As a result, I compiled a small database of squall line and hurricane events that generated meteotsunamis on the east coast between 2000 and 2013. Following a detailed analysis of the data, our team wrote our findings. We published them in the Natural Hazards journal in 2014.

USGS Arctic Cruise Data Series

USGS Arctic Ocean carbon cruise 2010: Field activity H-03-10-AR to collect carbon data in the Arctic Ocean, August – September 2010
Published 2013

As part of a research project into ocean acidification in the Arctic Ocean, I analyzed the carbon data that the team collected on a six-week cruise in the Arctic. Additionally, I generated maps and figures that are included in the publication, as well as put everything into HTML format for publishing on the web.